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Empowerment Groups

What are E-Groups?

E-Groups are small groups of people that are drawn together by common interests, a specific topic or activity. E-Groups exist to empower our members to build community and foster spiritual growth. Whether you are reading through a Bible Study, serving with one of our Ministry Teams, or sharing a common interest, our E-Groups are the place where life change and spiritual growth happens. We pray that you are inspired to connect with God, grow in your faith and find an outlet to utilize your gifts, time, and talents here at New Nation Church. Please see below for more information about our E-groups or click HERE to sign up using our online form!  


If therefore there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of Spirit, if any affection and compassion, make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose.  -- Philippians 2:1-2

Men of Image (Men's Group)


Man of Image is designed to create a strong bond of brotherhood and solidarity among the men of New Nation Church. The purpose of Man of Image is to enhance men's spiritual growth by fellowship and communication with one another, and to assist the brethren in understanding their position as men of God in the body of Christ, at home, on the job, and in the community.

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Women of Thirst Quenchers  (Women's Group)

Thirst Quenchers is a Women Ministry seeking to enhance the potential of every thirsty woman at New Nation Church, in the city of Aurora/Denver and aboard.
The Thirst Quenchers Ministry has exclusive activities, Diva Diamond Christmas Party, Encounter Retreats, Small groups.

The goal of "Thirst Quenchers Ministry" is to bring the gospel to every woman in Colorado and to mobilize New Nation women to reach out to the thirsty, the hurting and the needy. Everyone who comes to New Nation will be healed and empowered. 

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Children and Youth Ministry


​The mission of our Children and Youth Ministry is to walk alongside families in order to help educate and prepare children in how to follow Jesus. We believe that the best way to prepare them is to teach them biblical truths and provide role-models who will walk alongside them as they learn how to live a righteous lifestyle of faith.


The purpose of Joshua Generation is to minister to youth in middle and high school through special programs and activities. Our goal is to help them build spiritual stability and consistency through study, reading, and meditation of God's Word; we also encourage them to develop a lifestyle of prayer. We’re dedicated to providing a place for youth to connect with God, other students, and older committed leaders that are dedicated to seeing students grow closer to Christ. 


Little Light of Promise: Ages 1-4 

Children of Promise: Ages 5-11 
Joshua Generation II: Middle School

Joshua Generation:  High School


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